10.8.2007 | 18:02
As seen on TV: Believe in God instantly
Fékk žessa snilld ķ afmęlisgjöf frį vinkonu minni sem er į sömu skošunum og ég ķ trśmįlum, en žetta er munnsprey sem fęr mann til aš trśa į guš. Einhver snillingurinn hefur tekiš sig til og framleitt žessa vöru og įlykta ég sem svo aš žannig sé veriš aš gera grķn aš žvķ hvernig kristilegar sjónvarpsstöšvar, og fleiri, reyna aš sannfęra fólk um aš ganga ķ žeirra rašir. Til dęmis meš fjįrframlögum eša réttara sagt nęr alltaf viršist leišin vera sś aš gefa peninga. Žetta er meš žvķ fyndnara sem ég hef fengiš aš gjöf, takk Harpa.
As seen on TV
Believe in God instantly
Surrender yourself to a higher power and never feel alone again!
Miraculously PEPPER-minty faith-enhancing BREATHSPRAY
Has it ever occurred to you that there may be a mysterious force ready to guide your life and bathe you in protective all-loving energy?
Believe in god instantly: Another startling product from the scientists at Jesus Had a Sister Productions! When you are ready to turn to God we“re there to show you the way.
Meet some new believers!
We took your spray with us on a camping trip with the intention of using it to kill ants. Johnny tried it first and then I got to meet God. Hat weekend in nature was a spiritual turning point for us. We bonded s brothers and as Christians, too, ant that sure beats shooting squirrels! John and Paul Peterson
My inner life was an empty nihilist wasteland. I was addicted to heavy metal music, violent video games and I loved sniffing felt pens and glue. Your product gave me the strength and hope to see another day. A brighter one! Mary Baker
I“d been through a pretty messy breakup with my lover Frank and I was at the end of my lasso. Just one pump of your Believe in God breath spray gave me a hatful of hope. I may be single, but i“m not alone because God is riding along right beside me. Joe Harestead
Directions for use: To experience an instant sense of well-being and spiritual connection, applu spray to back of tounge. This spray is a potentially weapon. Do not administer to individuals against their will. Forced religious conversions will be prosecuted.
Um bloggiš
Katrín Vilhelmsdóttir
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Harpa (IP-tala skrįš) 17.8.2007 kl. 15:46
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
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